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Over the course of the past two years, the MAET program has allowed me to demonstrate my skills in various ways. I have had the chance to use my creativity to design various graphics, create digital handbooks in Adobe InDesign, use video editing software, and even write a couple of papers.


In this portion of my portfolio, you will find eight of my favorite projects that challenged my learning and allowed me to learn new skills. Some of these projects are related to my job for the Coaching 101 program, which focuses on creating technology for professional development (green buttons), while other projects are related to certain assignments that expanded my learning (blue buttons). Through these assignments, I have mastered various skills that can be applied to other professional or educational settings.



Project |01


Coaching 101 Digital Handbook

In CEP 810, one of our semester long projects was to learn something by only using YouTube. In an effort to challenge myself, I decided to learn how to create a digital handbook using Adobe InDesign. Through this project, I learned how to embed videos and create hotlinks in a digital handbook. As of 2016, the current handbook is two chapters and contains over ten videos and multiple “Checking For Understanding” pieces.

Project |02


Coaching-Dia Pitch

During my work in the serious game department, I had the chance to develop a serious educational game for the Coaching 101 program called “Coaching-Dia.” After the game was designed, one of the assignments was to create a “fake” pitch to show how the game would work to potential funders and my boss. This assignment gave me the opportunity to refresh my skills in PowerPoint and I learned how to export my presentation as a video.

Project |03


Instrumental & Missional Thinking Video

For CEP 815: Technology and Leadership, we were asked to take one of the lessons and reteach the lesson using Jing, which is a piece of technology that allows you to record your screen. Instead of using Jing to simply record a PowerPoint, I discovered a new piece of software called VideoScribe, which allows you to tell your story through animation. VideoScribe is a great way to incorporate visual learning into understanding concepts, rather than overwhelming the viewer with text.

Project |04


Coaching 101 Academy

During CEP 820: Teaching Students Online, I had the chance to convert a traditional face-to-face training session to a blended learning classroom. Students would have a week to make their way through the content and then would travel to a specific location to complete an assessment. This website, ran through Weebly, is currently being used as template for the Coaching 101 program as they transition classes to an online format. Click on the picture to vist the site.

Project |05


Maker Movement Video

One of the most important educational trends I've researched is the "maker movement." Through advances in technology, anyone can pick up a new technology and "make" something new or create a "remix." For my remix, I decided to focus on my love of music and my current favorite TV show The 100. Using Adobe Premiere Pro, I introduce the concept of remixing and then go on to show my remix of The 100 and Dangerous Woman, performed by Ariana Grande.

Project |06


Maker Movement Graphic

I love when I have the chance to combine my graphic designer skills with an assignment. For this task, we had to create a graphic to help explain what the maker movement is. I was able to use Adobe Illustrator to create my graphic to help explain the maker movement to people outside of the MAET program.


Pleace click here to view the full version.

PDF Version
Project |07


Reimagine Online Learning through Personalization Paper

In this paper, I was able to work collaboratively to solve the wicked program of reimagining online learning. Unlike normal problems, a wicked problem is hard to solve because there is no easy answer. With this assignment, I had a chance to work with other MAET members to come up with a solution that highlighted how personalized technology could help to reimagine online learning.

Project |08


Studying in Greece | A Power Learning Experience

In one of my classes for the MAET program, we were instructed to describe a powerful learning experience through a presentation style called a pecha kucha, where 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each. I decided to focus on my powerful learning experience of studying abroad in Greece. With this assignment I was able to apply the social cognitive learning theory to how I learned information in Greece and show off all of the pictures I took while I was there.

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